About Us

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.

What really sets InterMEMS apart from our competition is our superlative Design Capability, coupled with our exceptional ability to combine processing from various Technology Partners. This allows us to provide the optimum combination of Performance, Quality, and Price through our Virtual Factory “VFactory™” approach. In past projects we have provided custom devices, that enjoyed a “first pass success”, for as little as 13 the Non-recurring Engineering Cost quoted by our competition.

As part of our VFactory™ approach, we have Technology Alliances with Wafer Foundries, and Unique Process Providers all over the world, we will research, mix, and match the ideal processes required, rather than shoehorn your solution into a severely limited standard in-house process as done by our competitors.

Additionally, we can process your design on either 100mm, or 200mm wafers depending on the Functionality, Volume, and Pricing required. All of our designs and processes are subject to continuous improvement, and we are constantly on the lookout for new key capabilities that can be added to our extensive repertoire.